Atlantic is one of the world’s largest producers of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with an established reputation as a safe and reliable operator.
Working with Atlantic
Strive for
Atlantic works towards being known as the “employer of choice” among companies in Trinidad and Tobago. From the start of our LNG operations in 1995, to our current position among the largest exporters of LNG in the world, we are a home-grown, world-class company, making a significant contribution to Trinidad and Tobago.

We believe that the driving force behind our success as a company lies in our people – our most valuable resource.
Our competitiveness in the global LNG industry depends on ensuring that we recruit the most talented individuals across all areas of our business. At Atlantic, you will find many exciting and challenging opportunities through which you can broaden your experience and develop your technical and professional skills.
We remain committed to continuous improvement and to the ongoing development of our people to ensure that we can continue to meet the challenges across the industry. Whether it is through formal education and training, through our strong focus on performance management and through working with some of the best talent in the industry, you will have the opportunity to set new standards of achievement.
You can expect a culture which is guided by our core values – Safety, Performance, Respect, Integrity and Teamwork – which speak to who we are as a company and how we conduct our business.
Read more about our Core Values
Our innovative spirit is fuelled by the individual and collective contributions from our people, and you will have the opportunity to make a difference, and to learn from those around you.
Our remuneration package is among the best in the local employment market, and reflects the level of skills and experience required to ensure Atlantic remains a leading player in the LNG industry.
At Atlantic, we are proud of who we are and what we do, and whether you are an experienced professional, a university graduate, or seeking an apprenticeship opportunity, you can expect to be challenged, inspired and given the opportunity to move your career forward.